28 research outputs found

    High-for-Low and Low-for-High: Efficient Boundary Detection from Deep Object Features and its Applications to High-Level Vision

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    Most of the current boundary detection systems rely exclusively on low-level features, such as color and texture. However, perception studies suggest that humans employ object-level reasoning when judging if a particular pixel is a boundary. Inspired by this observation, in this work we show how to predict boundaries by exploiting object-level features from a pretrained object-classification network. Our method can be viewed as a "High-for-Low" approach where high-level object features inform the low-level boundary detection process. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on an established boundary detection benchmark and it is efficient to run. Additionally, we show that due to the semantic nature of our boundaries we can use them to aid a number of high-level vision tasks. We demonstrate that using our boundaries we improve the performance of state-of-the-art methods on the problems of semantic boundary labeling, semantic segmentation and object proposal generation. We can view this process as a "Low-for-High" scheme, where low-level boundaries aid high-level vision tasks. Thus, our contributions include a boundary detection system that is accurate, efficient, generalizes well to multiple datasets, and is also shown to improve existing state-of-the-art high-level vision methods on three distinct tasks

    TALLFormer: Temporal Action Localization with Long-memory Transformer

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    Most modern approaches in temporal action localization divide this problem into two parts: (i) short-term feature extraction and (ii) long-range temporal boundary localization. Due to the high GPU memory cost caused by processing long untrimmed videos, many methods sacrifice the representational power of the short-term feature extractor by either freezing the backbone or using a very small spatial video resolution. This issue becomes even worse with the recent video transformer models, many of which have quadratic memory complexity. To address these issues, we propose TALLFormer, a memory-efficient and end-to-end trainable Temporal Action Localization transformer with Long-term memory. Our long-term memory mechanism eliminates the need for processing hundreds of redundant video frames during each training iteration, thus, significantly reducing the GPU memory consumption and training time. These efficiency savings allow us (i) to use a powerful video transformer-based feature extractor without freezing the backbone or reducing the spatial video resolution, while (ii) also maintaining long-range temporal boundary localization capability. With only RGB frames as input and no external action recognition classifier, TALLFormer outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, achieving an average mAP of 59.1% on THUMOS14 and 35.6% on ActivityNet-1.3. The code will be available in https://github.com/klauscc/TALLFormer.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Long Movie Clip Classification with State-Space Video Models

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    Most modern video recognition models are designed to operate on short video clips (e.g., 5-10s in length). Because of this, it is challenging to apply such models to long movie understanding tasks, which typically require sophisticated long-range temporal reasoning capabilities. The recently introduced video transformers partially address this issue by using long-range temporal self-attention. However, due to the quadratic cost of self-attention, such models are often costly and impractical to use. Instead, we propose ViS4mer, an efficient long-range video model that combines the strengths of self-attention and the recently introduced structured state-space sequence (S4) layer. Our model uses a standard Transformer encoder for short-range spatiotemporal feature extraction, and a multi-scale temporal S4 decoder for subsequent long-range temporal reasoning. By progressively reducing the spatiotemporal feature resolution and channel dimension at each decoder layer, ViS4mer learns complex long-range spatiotemporal dependencies in a video. Furthermore, ViS4mer is 2.63×2.63\times faster and requires 8×8\times less GPU memory than the corresponding pure self-attention-based model. Additionally, ViS4mer achieves state-of-the-art results in 77 out of 99 long-form movie video classification tasks on the LVU benchmark. Furthermore, we also show that our approach successfully generalizes to other domains, achieving competitive results on the Breakfast and the COIN procedural activity datasets. The code will be made publicly available